by in Denmark autor: Jens Christian Top

In the harbor - Sejerby - 2001
On the ferry to Sejerø - 2001
Landscape - Sejerø - 2001
Seagull under the moon - 2001
Mowing the lawn - 2001
Gyda Hougård plays accordion in her home - Sejerby - 2001
Masts - 2001
Agricultural landscape - 2001
On the ferry to Sejerø - 2001
The ferry approaching - 2006
Inger Lise assembling a lamp in her childhood home - 2004
Frescos in the church - Sejerby - 2004
Cemetery - Sejerby - 2001
The harbor - Sejerby - 2001
Lighthouse at Gniben - 2001
At the register of the cooperative - 2001
House - 2001
Field - 2006
Farmer Ib Nielsen milking his Jersey cows - 2006
Hilly landscape - 2001

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