On the trail of a journey

by in black & white, history, USA photographer: René Fievé

Thunderstorm - Hudson Street/Canal Street, New York City
At a phone booth - New York City
Sunday afternoon - Central Park, New York City
In the street - 7th Avenue South/Christopher Street, Greenwich Village, New York City
Sunday afternoon - Bethesda Fountain /Arcade/Terrace, Central Park, New York City
Sunday afternoon - Bethesda Fountain /Arcade/Terrace, Central Park, New York City
Sunday leisure in the park - Central Park, New York City
Manhattan Bridge seen from Circle Line - East River, New York
In the street - West Houston Street/Thompson Street, New York City
In the street - Thompson Street, New York City
Traffic - Broome Street/Thompson Street, New York City
In the street - 9th Avenue/W 41st Street, New York City
Garage - Thompson Street/Watts Street, New York city
In the street - Thompson Street/Broome Street, New York City
Tenement house - New York City
Children - South Carolina (presumably)
Before sunset in Chinatown - Grant Avenue/Sacramento Street, San Francisco, California
Parade - 1st Street, Snohomish, Seattle, Washington
In the street - Canal Street/Wooster Street, New York City
Steam in a parking lot - New York City

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