by in Denmark autor: Jens Christian Top

Diver - Svendborg - 1997
Grocery store - Martofte, Kerteminde - 2002
Billboards - Odense - 1999
Cinema - Langeskov, Kerteminde - 2000
Kiosk - Rudkøbing, Langeland - 2015
A view from the freeway - Odense - 1998
On a ferry - Langelandsbælt - 1995
Grocery store - Tåsinge, Svendborg - 1997
In a museum - Faaborg - 1999
By a bronze statue - Odense - 1999
Tourist - Odense - 1999
Bathhouse - Ærøskøbing - 1995
Man at the railway station - Odense - 1973
Bust of a former mayor - Nyborg - 2015
Kale - Ejby, Middelfart - 2016
At the cemetery - Svendborg - 2015
In the city - Nyborg - 2015
Hairdressers business - Oure, Svendborg - 2004
Stairway - Odense - 2002
Vernissage - Svendborg - 2007

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