Danish National Church

by in Denmark, projects autor: Jens Christian Top

Missionary Ansgar holding the danish church - Copenhagen - 1997
Baroque organ from 1740 in Broager Kirke - Sønderborg - 2019
Decorated bench in Ål Kirke - Varde - 2019
Hymn board in Broager Kirke - Sønderborg - 2019
Door in churchtower - Bryndum, Esbjerg - 2019
Framed embroidery with cross and The Lamb of God in Engbjerg Kirke - Lemvig - 2018
Bjolderslev Kirke behind irrigation - Aabenraa - 2019
Baptistery in Hjerting Kirke - Esbjerg - 2017
Rococo altar in Kliplev Kirke - Aabenraa - 2017
Crosses in the cemetery - Torup, Halsnæs - 2018
Vester Nebel Kirke - Esbjerg - 2019
Højrup Kirke - Haderslev - 2019
Thyborøn Kirke - Lemvig - 2018
Bishops as statues on pedestals at Ribe Domkirke - Esbjerg - 2019
Coffins of bishop Thomas Kingo and wife Birgitte Balslev in Fraugde Kirke - Odense - 2004
A cassock behind the altar in Alrø Kirke - Odder - 2004
Bench number 11 in Mandø Kirke - Esbjerg - 2019
Hymnals in Treenighedskirken (Church of Trinity) - Esbjerg - 2017
Saint Michael fighting the Dragon in Broager Kirke - Sønderborg - 2019
Church ceiling in Haderslev Domkirke - 2019
Hymn board in Engbjerg Kirke - Lemvig - 2018
Interior with relief in Ribe Domkirke - Esbjerg - 2016
Detail from altar showing The Circumcision in Ål Kirke, Oksbøl - Varde - 2019
Sønderho Kirke - Fanø - 2017
Vodder Kirke - Tønder - 2020

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